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We are Got It AI

Nice to meet you! Learn more about our company and the team behind it.

Our Mission

At Got It AI, we are pioneering the future of enterprise intelligence. Our mission is to empower organizations with cutting-edge generative AI solutions that are not only powerful and innovative, but also trustworthy and safe. We strive to bridge the gap between AI's vast potential and its responsible application in the enterprise world.

Through relentless innovation and a deep commitment to ethical AI practices, we develop advanced guardrails and frameworks that ensure the integrity, reliability, and safety of generative AI technologies. Our goal is to transform how enterprises interact with AI, enabling them to harness its full capabilities while maintaining the highest standards of trust and security.

We envision a world where AI enhances human potential, drives business growth, and solves complex challenges, all within a framework of unwavering safety and transparency. At Got It AI, we're not just predicting the future of enterprise AI – we're actively creating it, setting new benchmarks for performance, accountability, and trust in the AI-driven enterprise landscape.


Our Team

Meet our passionate and exceptional product and technology leaders from VMware, Microsoft, IBM and Oracle
Global HQ
Palo Alto, CA
R&D Center
Hanoi, Vietnam
Global Language

Investors and Advisors


Contact Us

Drop us a line with any questions, inquiries or business proposals!

Look forward to collaborating with you!

© 2023 Got It AI Inc. All rights reserved.

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